Jaibans Singh “Pakistan continues to embrace terror and terrorism as an instrument of state policy, however, we are clear that we have zero tolerance for terror and we have reserved our right to respond at a time and place of our choosing. This is a clear message that we have sent across that we will not tolerate such activity.” “Pakistan and China form a very potent threat, … [Read more...] about Army Day Special: Indian Army ready to face all threats & challenges
Xi Jinping and the future of CCP
Brig (Veteran) Anil Gupta In an unprecedented move effective from the New Year’s Day, China has removed the military from the government control and expanded the powers of its Central Military Commission (CMC), headed by Xi Jinping, to mobilise military and civilian resources in defence of the national interest, both at home and abroad. The new Defence Law has removed policy … [Read more...] about Xi Jinping and the future of CCP
Kashmir: Timely lid has been put upon fallacy of Azaadi
Jaibans Singh As the situation turns for the better in Jammu and Kashmir with reorganisation of the state into two Union Territories and abrogation of Article 370, there arises a need to look at the, by now, failed concept of "Azaadi" (Freedom) that had been propounded over decades by some self appointed leaders of the Kashmiri people. Has the concept failed because it was … [Read more...] about Kashmir: Timely lid has been put upon fallacy of Azaadi
Dragon entry into Iran and the Indian Dilemma
Brig. Anil Gupta Media reports indicate the possibility of Iran falling into China’s lap is increasing by the day. Both the nations feeling isolated globally and facing challenge from a common enemy are most likely to embrace each other as per the Mandala theory of Kautilya, the famous Indian political strategist. Kautilya envisaged that the potential conqueror King (the … [Read more...] about Dragon entry into Iran and the Indian Dilemma
Thwarting the Dragon
Farooq Wani Now that China has firmly established itself as a formidable economic and military power, it seems to be more anxious to emerge from the shadows and secure (what it feels is) its rightful place in the international arena. Under normal circumstances, the global community would not have denied giving China its due, but it’s approach of spreading … [Read more...] about Thwarting the Dragon