Lt. Gen. PS Mehta (Retd) At the time of partition of the country, if the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to the Indian Union had taken place in a timely manner, Pakistan would have faced difficulty in invading J&K. Unfortunately that did not happen! By October 1947, Pakistan backed ‘Tribal invaders’ commenced their march towards Srinagar allowing Jinnah to boast that … [Read more...] about Kashmir Confused!!
No Azaadi in so-called Azaad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan
Farooq Wani What Pakistan calls Azaad (Free) Kashmir and the region of Gilgit-Baltistan together constitute the Pakistan occupied and controlled part of the former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir that is referred to as Pakistan Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (POJK) . The so-called “Azaad Kashmir” which is more commonly referred to as Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) is the … [Read more...] about No Azaadi in so-called Azaad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan
Immoral & masochist leadership of Pakistan Army should be reined in
Jaibans Singh The Pakistan Army is back to playing its dirty games along the Line of Control (LOC) and International Border (IB) with India yet again. In a parting gift to its outgoing Chief, Gen. Raheel Sharif, it has ambushed an Indian patrol on the Indian side of the LOC in the Machil sector of the Kashmir Valley on Tuesday, November, 22. It is being appreciated that the … [Read more...] about Immoral & masochist leadership of Pakistan Army should be reined in
India should remain prepared to counter Pakistan’s pig-headedness
Dr. Simrit Kahlon Diwali is traditionally celebrated by the Pakistan army with a fervour that far exceeds what is seen in India. While in India the celebrations entail bursting of crackers, the Pakistan army rains artillery shells on the border areas of Jammu and Kashmir and derives great pleasure in causing untold misery to the hapless inhabitants of the area during the … [Read more...] about India should remain prepared to counter Pakistan’s pig-headedness
Modi’s principled stand against Pakistan’s duplicity
Jaibans Singh India has finally taken a firm and righteous stand with regard to the spiralling state and radical Islam sponsored violence in Pakistan. The posture now adopted by the Government of India with regard to the atrocities and human rights violations being committed in Baluchistan and Pakistan Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (POJK) should have come by a long time back. … [Read more...] about Modi’s principled stand against Pakistan’s duplicity