My Ex Says We Might Get Back Together and ex girl still lies about new boyfriend or how to gain trust with your girlfriend via text. reasons for getting back with your ex girlfriend signs your ex wants you back evan thou she has a new partner, my ex was a bf, etc. var wpseo_lang ='en'; var wpseo_meta_desc_length = '141'; var wpseo_title_template = … [Read more...] about steps to get your x bf back
Pakistan’s support to Kashmiri separatists is preposterous
Jaibans Singh Jalil Abbas Jilani, the foreign secretary of Pakistan is expected at New Delhi to hold a meeting with his Indian counterpart, Ranjan Mathai, on July 4 and 5 as a part of the ongoing dialogue. The meeting was to be a precursor to talks between the foreign ministers of the two countries scheduled in the latter half of July in Islamabad. The said talks, however, has … [Read more...] about Pakistan’s support to Kashmiri separatists is preposterous
Illegal rehabilitation will have frightening security implications
Simrit Kahlon The place of our birth, the place where we have spent our formative years leaves a deep and abiding imprint on our psyches. Such a place is associated with those years of our life when everything seems possible to achieve and everything is either black or white. Such a place also bears witness to our earliest dreams and ambitions, our first associations as well … [Read more...] about Illegal rehabilitation will have frightening security implications
Why Pakistan is desperately trying to placate the Americans
S Ranjan The negotiation for the resumption of the supply to the allies’ forces in Afghanistan through Pakistan is still going on. The Pakistan’s political class intended to play the anti-US card in the election year for which reason it closed down the supply route after the death of 24 of its soldiers in an air attack by the NATO air force on a Pakistan – Afghan border post, … [Read more...] about Why Pakistan is desperately trying to placate the Americans
Siachen: A look beyond the hype
Jaibans Singh Siachen will come up in the secretary level talks between India and Pakistan scheduled on 11-12, June, 2012. The last parley was held almost a year back on May, 30, 2011; at that stage, the two countries failed to agree on the modalities for demilitarisation while agreeing “in-principle” to the need to demilitarise. The talks in May 2011 were held after a gap of … [Read more...] about Siachen: A look beyond the hype