Jaibans Singh Pakistan Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, during his recent address to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), came up with a “four point peace initiative” for the resolution of the so-called “Kashmir problem.” The mainstay of his proposal was demilitarisation. This, according to him, would entail withdrawal of the Pakistani Army from the occupied territories … [Read more...] about Pakistan’s evil design in raising demilitarisation bogey
Infiltration roadblock in J&K: Pakistani terror mongers worried
Dr. Simrit Kahlon Across the world, especially so in India, activity revolves around seasons; there is the examination season, the festival season, the holiday season, so on and so forth. In Jammu and Kashmir there is an additional season called the “infiltration season” that holds great importance. This season begins sometime in mid- April and goes on till end October. At … [Read more...] about Infiltration roadblock in J&K: Pakistani terror mongers worried
Pakistan’s illogical hostility and India’s response
Jaibans Singh Pakistan is in dire need for some honest soul searching. The country should introspect on the reason behind its confrontational relationship with three of its neighbours – India, Afghanistan and Iran. It should revisit its failed policies of provoking neighbours and then offering lame justifications. Its diplomatic corps must cease to think that they are dealing … [Read more...] about Pakistan’s illogical hostility and India’s response
Double cross and deceit by the Pakistan army
Dr. Simrit Kahlon Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan, is a very lonely man today; undoubtedly he would also be sad, dejected and depressed by the manner in which he has been let down by the generals of his own country’s army that is sworn to serve his democratically elected government. In his case such double cross and deceit has happened not once but twice. The role of … [Read more...] about Double cross and deceit by the Pakistan army
Ceasefire violations: The causes, the implications and options to meet the challenge
Jaibans Singh Ceasefire violations along the line of control (LoC) and the international border (IB) with Pakistan are a cause of concern; they are increasing tensions and blocking forward movement in relations between Indian and Pakistan; they are causing avoidable loss of life and property to the already hard pressed people living in the border areas; most alarming is the … [Read more...] about Ceasefire violations: The causes, the implications and options to meet the challenge