Jaibans Singh Union Home Minister, P Chidambaram, on Wednesday, May, 23, visited Jammu and Kashmir. The objective of the visit was to review the security situation and status of development projects in Jammu and Kashmir in the given order of priority. The meeting, held at Nehru Guest House, witnessed a proactive Chidambaram talking of more and more freebies for the state. He … [Read more...] about Revisit central government priorities in Jammu and Kashmir
Jammu and Kashmir
Politics of the dumb and the visionless
Simrit Kahlon The Indian Parliament is celebrating sixty years of its coming into being. On the occasion, the country’s parliamentarians are reiterating their faith in democracy, not to speak of having evolved into the largest democracy of the world. At the same time, there are those with a strong sense of propriety who admit to ideological lapses and shortcomings. All in all, … [Read more...] about Politics of the dumb and the visionless
AFSPA: A tool for political populism
Simrit Kahlon The last year passed off relatively peacefully in Jammu and Kashmir, particularly so, in the valley of Kashmir. For quite some time now, terrorist strikes have gone down, separatist leaders have been exposed for the pretenders that they are, tourists are back and business is thriving. The Union Home Minister, Mr. P.C. Chidambaram recently visited the state to … [Read more...] about AFSPA: A tool for political populism
Human rights: The evolution and perspective in India
Jaibans Singh Modern human rights laws establish the rights of the individual in relation to the State, These rights evolved as Europe and America developed into vibrant democracies. With time, they were given a legal status by a large number of countries. Some important documents that signify evolution of the concept of human rights are the English Bill of Rights of 1688, the … [Read more...] about Human rights: The evolution and perspective in India
British back benchers please voters at the cost of Kashmir
Brigadier (Retired) Manjit Singh The United Kingdom is at its imperial best once again, the mere whiff of brownie points that some of its Members of Parliament (MP’s) can earn from the Pakistanis in their constituency has propelled the entire British Parliament into a debate on alleged Human Rights violation in the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir. The motion was moved by a … [Read more...] about British back benchers please voters at the cost of Kashmir