Lt Gen KJ Singh (Retd) As summer sets in the Kashmir valley, Pakistan has revived its proxy war, upping the ante. The current summer, the first after the altered constitutional status of J&K, is likely to be a defining one. There is discernible desperation on the part of the ISI to alter the ‘terrorscape’ in terms of the organisation of Tanzeems (terror groups). … [Read more...] about Change in terror template
J&K: Challenge status quo with new age, dynamic, baggage-free leadership
Jaibans Singh The need for a dynamic leadership to chart out the course of new Jammu and Kashmir that is emerging post reorganisation has been spoken of by many academicians and intelligentsia. In fact, one of the objectives of intensive grass root level elections that have been held in the state for the Panchayats, Municipal Corporations and even at the Block level is to … [Read more...] about J&K: Challenge status quo with new age, dynamic, baggage-free leadership
Transformation in J&K: Momentous, righteous and challenging
Jabans Singh On October, 31, as the Diwali festivities culminated, our nation embarked on a historic and path breaking transformation. The state of Jammu and Kashmir emerged with a new Avatar of two Union Territories. The Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir comprises of 22 Districts including areas of Muzaffarabad and Mirpur. The Union Territory of Ladakh comprises of … [Read more...] about Transformation in J&K: Momentous, righteous and challenging
OHCHR has no understanding of dynamics of Kashmir issue
Jaibans Singh The fatuous approach of the United Nation towards understanding the dynamics of the Kashmir issue came to the fore once more in the second report presented by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the situation of Human Rights in Kashmir and Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. The report covers the period from May 2018 to April 2019. On 14 June 2018, … [Read more...] about OHCHR has no understanding of dynamics of Kashmir issue
Proscription of Masood Azhar: Significance and aftermath
Dr. Simrit Kahlon So, the world has finally realised that Masood Azhar is a terrorist! One wonders about the reason behind this enlightened thought especially so far as China is concerned. China has relented, not because of a change of heart, but because the international pressure and isolation was becoming unbearable. Its opposition to proscribing Azhar was perplexing the … [Read more...] about Proscription of Masood Azhar: Significance and aftermath