Dr. Simrit Kahlon What goes around; comes around!! The proverb implies that the result of things that one has done will someday have an effect on them for having started the cycle. This proverb describes, most aptly, the fragile situation presently prevalent in Pakistan. Having given wind to the cult of terrorism, the nation is now paying a terrible cost for its misdeeds. The … [Read more...] about Jumping from one Zarb-e-Azb to another Radd-ul-Fasaad will destroy Pakistan
Deep rooted conspiracy in Kashmir
Jaibans Singh How is Kashmir sustaining itself despite three long months of closure and turmoil? A deep insight into the course of events points towards a method in the madness that is ensuring sustenance. For the perpetrators of this disruption it is, of course, inconsequential that a large section of the society, especially poor daily wagers, are suffering terribly due to … [Read more...] about Deep rooted conspiracy in Kashmir
India based ISIS activities are alarming
Vikas Khanna The arrest of an Indian national, Mehdi Masroor Biswas, following a sensational disclosure by Britain’s Channel 4 that he was operating a pro-Islamic State Twitter account should serve as a wake-up call for Indian intelligence and security agencies. Investigations reveal that his tweets, written under the name Shami Witness, were the most read and followed among … [Read more...] about India based ISIS activities are alarming