Jaibans Singh The elections in Pakistan, for whatever they were worth, are now over. By giving a mixed result, they have created more confusion than was prevalent earlier, and have caused considerable embarrassment to the Army Chief, General Syed Asim Munir. The General engineered the elections with a clear-cut aim of diminishing completely the power of his arch … [Read more...] about Pakistan: Wilting due to absence of a credible leadership
Nawaz Sharif
Imran Khan: The God may have fallen but his legacy will continue
Jaibans Singh The year 1982 witnessed the entry of a new God in Pakistan named Imran Ahmad Khan Niazi. The adulation was the consequence of his accomplishment in the game of cricket. He was an all-rounder who captained the Pakistan cricket team that won the World Cup in 1992. He enjoyed a cult-like status in the cricket crazy country and the larger cricket circle of the … [Read more...] about Imran Khan: The God may have fallen but his legacy will continue
Parvez Musharraf: Architect of the Kargil War
Col. Alok Mathur, SM (Veteran) Tom Weiner of New York Times had written about sensational civil coup and counter coup by Army in Pakistan on 14 October 1999 ‘For months Prime Minister Nawaz Sharrif and General Parvez Musharraf were like two scorpions in a bottle waiting to strike. General Musharraf was detailed to go to Colombo to attend a week long Golden Jubilee … [Read more...] about Parvez Musharraf: Architect of the Kargil War
Pakistan Army: In the eye of the storm within Pakistan
Jasbir Sarai A political logjam capable of ushering winds of change in Pakistan is becoming visible. The opposition has joined hands against the incumbent Imran Khan led government. The situation may well lead to a constitutional deadlock. The Pakistan Army, interestingly, is in the eye of the storm. The opposition is using Imran Khan to target the Army, and particularly, the … [Read more...] about Pakistan Army: In the eye of the storm within Pakistan
Pakistan’s tryst to move from virtual dictatorship to actual democracy
Dr. Simrit Kahlon "Politics makes strange bed fellows" - this proverb, meaning that that political alliances in a common cause may bring together those of widely differing views, is today most applicable to Pakistan. Eleven political parties, including the PML (N) and the PPP that are sworn enemies have come together under an umbrella organisation named Pakistan Democratic … [Read more...] about Pakistan’s tryst to move from virtual dictatorship to actual democracy