Jaibans Singh Politics are in the air in the Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory (JKUT) since the declaration of the assembly elections schedule by the Election Commission in mid- August. The elections will be held in three phases on September 18, 25, and October 1, with vote counting on October 4. The last elected government in Jammu and Kashmir fell in June 2018, when … [Read more...] about Contours of the assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir
National News
मणिपुर की समस्या का सच
Sarvesh Kumar Tiwari कुकी। मणिपुर में बसी एक विदेशी मूल की जाति है, जो मात्र डेढ़ सौ वर्ष पहले पहाड़ों में आ कर बसी थी। ये मूलतः मंगोल नश्ल के लोग हैं। जब अंग्रेजों ने चीन में अफीम की खेती को बढ़ावा दिया तो उसके कुछ दशक बाद अंग्रेजों ने ही इन मंगोलों को वर्मा के पहाड़ी इलाके से ला कर मणिपुर में अफीम की खेती में लगाया। आपको आश्चर्य होगा कि तमाम कानूनों को धत्ता बता कर ये अब भी … [Read more...] about मणिपुर की समस्या का सच
Operation Ganga: Herculean evacuation of Indians from Ukraine war zone
Col Alok Mathur (Retired) A C 17 Globe Master lll of the Indian Air Force took off from Hindan Air base at 0400h on 2 March, 2022 and headed for Bucharest, the capital city of Romania, on a relief mission as part of the daring humanitarian evacuation mission code named Operation Ganga, launched by the Government of India for safe return of its citizens, especially young … [Read more...] about Operation Ganga: Herculean evacuation of Indians from Ukraine war zone
Change of Command in Chinar Corps
Defenceinfo Bureau Report Lt. Gen. Kanwal Jeet Singh Dhillon has taken over as the 48th Corps Commander of the Army's Srinagar-based 15 Corps. The formation, also called the Chinar Corps, has its Headquarters in Badami Bagh, Srinagar, and is responsible for the Kashmir Valley, inclusive of the Line of Control and Counter-terrorist profile in the hinterland. He has taken over … [Read more...] about Change of Command in Chinar Corps
Peace in Kashmir is linked with integrity of Nation: Rajnath Singh
Defenceinfo Bureau Report In a major development, the NDA government has expressed willingness to hold simultaneous election for the J&K State Assembly and the Lok Sabha in case the Election Commission gives its concurrence. This was conveyed by Home Minister Rajnath Singh in the parliament, while replying to a statutory resolution for promulgation of President's Rule in … [Read more...] about Peace in Kashmir is linked with integrity of Nation: Rajnath Singh