Bureau Report
Terrorists attacked a Pakistan military airbase in the southern port city of Karachi triggering multiple blasts and firing indiscriminately in which four persons were killed. A four-engine aircraft was destroyed in the daring attack at the Pakistan Air Force’s (PAF) Faisal airbase, which also houses PNS Mehran, the naval air station. Terrorists numbering between 12 and 15 were reported to be involved in the attack in the highly-secured area. The terrorists targeted PNS Mehran where some Chinese engineers were engaged in work. Pakistan Rangers were deployed to counter them. Dawn News channel quoted witnesses as saying that they had heard up to five blasts. Heavy firing continued over 20 minutes after the first blast occurred.
Terrorist attacks were expected across Pakistan as a reprisal against the killing of al Queda Chief Osama bin Laden in the country. Violence has shown a steady escalation in the trouble torn country in the last few weeks