Defenceinfo Bureau Report
Four serving Pakistan army majors are being questioned for their purported links with a banned group. The questioning comes barely two days after the arrest of Brigadier Ali Khan from the Pakistan Army headquarters at Rawalpindi. He is reportedly the highest ranking officer to be detained for keeping touch with militants. The officers are being questioned for having links with Hizb-ut-Tahrir (HT). The group has not overtly supported violence nor does it have any link with al Queda, it is known to advocate the establishment of a Caliphate in Pakistan after overthrowing what it terms as “corrupt pro-west regimes”. There has always been a lurking suspicion of possible radicalisation of the Pakistani Army rank and file. These arrests provide confirmation for all such apprehensions which is reason for the international community, especially India, to be very concerned. Internal assistance by Army personnel to the already widespread religious fundamentalism sponsored militancy in Pakistan will go a long way in strengthening the hands of the militants and lead to an eventual take over by them.